Manual installation

These instructions assume you already have a working Openemr application installed.

Fhir API modules

Setup Composer File

Add the following to the openemr/composer.json:

"repositories": [
        "type": "vcs",
        "url": ""
        "type": "vcs",
        "url": ""
"require": {
    "clinikal/clinikal-backend": "dev-master",
    "clinikal/composer-installers-clinikal-extender": "dev-master"
"extra": {
    "installer-types": [

Run Composer

In a terminal, cd into the openemr root directory (where the composer.json is), and run:

composer update clinikal

This downloads the modules code into the openemr/vendor/clinikal and triggers the composer installer extension in the composer-installers-clinikal-extender repository.
The extension creates links from the files in vendor/clinikal to there appropriate places in the openemr codebase.
This enables us to use the vertical's modules, styles, and menus.

Install Modules

In the Modules -> Manage Modules screen, Register then Install the following modules (in this order):
1) GenericTools
2) FhirAPI

The Fhir API modules can stand alone for for a variety of uses.

Clinikal modules - for React client app

Setup Composer File

Add the following to the openemr/composer.json (In addition to settings from prev section):
Currently available modules for Emergency center

"repositories": [
        "type": "vcs",
        "url": ""
"require": {
    "clinikal/vertical-emergency-medicine-backend": "dev-master",

Run Composer

In a terminal, cd into the openemr root directory (where the composer.json is), and run:

composer update clinikal

This downloads the modules code into the openemr/vendor/clinikal and triggers the composer installer extension in the composer-installers-clinikal-extender repository.
The extension creates links from the files in vendor/clinikal to there appropriate places in the openemr codebase.
This enables us to use the vertical's modules, styles, and menus.

Install Modules

In the Modules -> Manage Modules screen, Register then Install the following modules (in this order):
1) ClinikalApi
2) EmergencyMedicine
3) ImportData
4) ReportTool

Install React app

  1. clone repository from Github -
  2. Run npm install
  3. Creat new .env.local in the project root and add single parameter named REACT_APP_API_BASE_URL=<OPENEMR_DOMAIN> into file.
  4. Run npm start for development mode OR npm run build for production.